Huebener and Moorhead Lowe Exhibition Poster

by Kathleen Huebener in Art Inspires Art


Artist Kathleen Huebener and Artist Karen Moorhead


Artist Reception: Thursday, March 16, 2017

From 6:30 to 8 P.M.

Lowe Gallery


Now Showing:

Kathleen Huebener – “For the Love of Iowa”

In Iowa, a land of plenty, snuggled amidst fields of corn and soybeans are precious spots of natural bling, places of such beauty that scream for attention. This exhibition showcasing Iowa’s beauty is just the beginning…


Karen Moorhead – “I Love Detail”

A subtle curve to a vessel’s shape, an impressed design on the clay’s surface, or a bit of added metal, these details, for me, are what make pottery exciting and unique. 


This Lowe Gallery Exhibition runs now through May 6, 2017.


A Wonderful Showcase of Artwork by Iowan Artists!

