As stated in earlier blogs, the latter days are filled with increasing lawlessness and other life-threatening conditions. Perhaps you are facing your own life-or-death situation. Christians call these intense times “tribulations” in which we cry out to God for help. Often though, it seems He does not hear our pleas, let alone deliver us. Acutely aware that we do not live in heaven yet, we question what is the purpose of our seemingly endless torture with no apparent relief. What is God thinking when He allows tribulations in our lives?
The first answer to this question is written in Luke 17:5. “And the apostles said unto the Lord, ‘Increase our faith.” INCREASE OUR FAITH. Ponder the lives of the apostles after they prayed this prayer. They experienced upheaval leading up to the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Great sorrow over the loss of their Savior and the loss of their hopes and dreams for Israel permeated the intense fear for their own lives. Although they didn’t know it at the time, all was leading to a great blessing. God’s awesome power was shown in its brightest glory at the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Their faith definitely increased as they witnessed the awesomeness of God!
Another reason for tribulation in a Christian’s life is for the DISCIPLINE of our faith. Listen to what the scriptures say about our Savior Jesus Christ. “Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things He suffered.”1 Just think about this: Jesus Christ, who was and is God, suffered on earth! Why? He suffered to learn obedience! This is hard to understand, unless we remember that Christians are being conformed to the image of God’s Son. 2 Jesus was our example, for we too must learn obedience just like Him. 3 Obedience to God and His ways is the sign of real discipline in today’s world.
And hope maketh not ashamed: because the love of God
is shed abroad in our hearts
God is bigger than that which confronts us.
He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth.“ 4
“Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver;
Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel,
‘I am the LORD thy GOD,
which teaches thee to profit,
which leads thee by the way that thou should go.”
In conclusion, the reasons for tribulations are to increase faith, discipline, patience, courage, and victory. There are probably more reasons, but these are the ones I have found so far. Tribulation is the trial of our Faith. When all is said and done, and we are hand in hand at our Savior’s side, we will look back at this time in our lives and say, “Your way was the right way, Lord. Yes, your way was the only way.”
So keep your faith in God. God IS in charge over your life and mine. Don’t falter; after all, He’s not done with us yet! Our most blessed times are just straight ahead!
1 Hebrews 5:8
2 Romans 8:29
3 John 14: 6
4 Isaiah 53:7
5 I Corinthians 15:57